📚Empowering Education: A Glimpse into ASPIRE’s Impact through the Eyes of Dr. Liisa Toivonen, Counsellor from the Embassy of Finland!📚

September 4, 2024

On 21st and 22nd August’24 Dr. Liisa Toivonen, Counsellor from the Embassy of Finland , visited ASPIRE’s intervention areas in Danagadi and Harichandanpur, Odisha.

During her visit, she observed a range of educational initiatives, including Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) classes, middle school interventions, Anganwadi’s, and Residential Bridge Courses. Dr. Toivonen engaged with children, government teachers, and community stakeholders, discussing teaching strategies, school management, and the importance of community involvement.

She praised the dedication of the educators and the enthusiasm of the students, highlighting ASPIRE’s significant impact in fostering quality education and empowering local communities.  Read the full report here